I have created this website to blog about my foster and rescue history and to start a new business devoted to high quality animal rescue and foster practices. My last foster was the inspiration behind this blog and the catalyst for starting this business, soon to be a non profit 501c3 in memory of Tazzy.
Tazzy came into my care as a 2 week old puppy that was dumped at a rescue that I volunteer and foster for in Mexico. Tazzy had a severe neurological disability called Cerebellar Abiotrophy that left her incapable of walking or controlling her large and fine motor skills. Tazzy lost her fight to Degenerative Cerebellar Abiotrophy on January 18, 2020 leaving thousands of her followers on Instagram and facebook and me, her forever mom ... heartbroken.
While her story is extremely sad, I find myself wanting to carry her memory on in a different way. With tremendous heartbreak comes the need for me to try to find a way to heal. Tazzy taught me so many things in her short 3 months that I will be forever grateful for. She taught unconditional love, compassion for those with disabilities and to never give up hope even when everyone is telling you something different. I have fostered puppies now for almost 5 years and this is the first puppy I have fostered that I have had to say goodbye to. It was, with out a doubt one of the hardest things I have ever experienced so far in life. Tazzy touched thousands of hearts in her short time here on earth. I would like to start sharing my future foster stories with everyone and also showcase the fosters of my past. I want to tell all of their stories of despair and show the pictures and videos of their triumphs. I want to celebrate them as they find their forever families, and soar with happiness as I watch how they leave paw 🐾 prints of happiness in your lives, and with their new families. So follow along and help me support rescue puppies and getting them the quality of care they deserve in memory of Tazzy and for the hope of saving more precious pups down he road.
Love and puppy dog kisses 🐾.
Simply Love
